Our Classes

We encourage our dancers to be goal-oriented so that they can feel a positive sense of accomplishment and satisfaction at every stage of their dancing journey, both competitively and recreationally. Our dancers will be challenged to grow as a dancer and a person, both in and out of the studio.

Class Schedule


5:00-5:45pm Beginner

5:00-6:00pm Advanced Beginner

5:00-6:15pm Novice/Prizewinner

6:15-8:15pm Championship

8:15-9:15pm Adult


6:30-7:30pm Novice/Prizewinner

7:30-9:30 Championship


7:30-9:30pm Championship


9:00am-10:00am Major Comp

10:00-12:00pm Championship

12:00-2:00 Ceili Teams


45 mins/week

For children ages 4 & up, our Beginner class will provide dancers the opportunity to learn and develop a love for Irish dancing!

Dancers will....

  • Experience a full introduction to Irish dancing - the basic solo & ceili/team dances.

  • Interact with their peers and become part of our Royal Academy family.

  • Gain confidence performing in local community settings throughout the year, and especially during St Patrick's Day season!


90 mins/week

Once dancers graduate from our Beginners program, dancers have the opportunity to join our higher-level classes. At Royal Academy, we promote various aspects of Irish dancing, including competitive dancing, ceili/team dancing, and performing. As part of the intermediate program, dancers can…

  • Compete locally and work towards higher levels. Dancers learn the value of hard work and dedication.

  • Join our performance team to learn show-style choreography and perform at local events. Dancers gain confidence being on stage and have fun showcasing their love of Irish dance to entertain others!

  • Join a ceili team and learn how to be committed to a common goal. Teams teach dancers responsibility, commitment, and dedication as each team pursues competing on the local, regional, and national levels.


60 mins/week

It's never too late to try something new! Irish dancing isn't just for the kids - it's a chance for you to learn a new art form, all while exercising in an encouraging and friendly environment. Irish dancing is a great workout to add to your week and fun way to meet new people!


120 mins/week

Prelim & Open Championship Dancers working towards competitions, grade exams, and Ceili teams.